Monday, December 31, 2007

If thy right eye(brow) offend thee...

Well, this morning I finally did it...I got rid of the thing that hath been offending me for like, you know like, fahevah(in my best and vapid style of California girl).

I plucked the *$@X thing out.

I have pondered and pondered on this issue. I have examined and reexamined. I have contemplated and ruminated. And now I have finally done it - I have gone and done the bad deed.

That darn eyebrow hair has been sticking out at a 90 degree angle forEVER! It has been taunting me and daring me to rip it out of my face. It has laughed as day after day I choose to let it live another day - all the while telling myself that the reason it is sticking out at such an odd angle is NOT because it is a misfit belonging to the Island of the Misfit Toys, but is rather an eyebrow that has had a night of it what with all my tossing and turning, and now look at it - stuck out there for all to see and poke fun at and all because of my dirty deeds in the night (too much pillow action for my face, eyebrows, and skin apparently - with my face buried in the pillow as opposed to letting my skin breathe as I rest peacefully with my hands crossed over my chest in a restful manner as suggested by Martha Stewart on her show oh so many years ago (I don't remember the episode - but I DO remember that it was well before her "I am a deadbeat felon" act). So I choose to show that eyebrow kindness, and I let it stay for yet another day.

But today I declared aloud "NO MORE!" and I went at it with a vengeance. I didn't allow myself any further contemplation - I merely ruthlessly grasped for the eyebrow tweezers, yanked at the offending hair (if thy right eye(brow) offend thee poke(pluck) it out - see, it's Biblical) and disposed of it into the wind of the bathroom (now if you don't have wind in your bathroom don't complain or point it out to me because I guess I am the only lucky one on the planet).

Now what? I asked myself.

Heavy sigh. There's a HUGE bald spot where the hair stood. I'm pretty sure everyone will notice that bald spot. Why, oh WHY did I pluck that thing out? It wasn't hurting probably had another year or so to live.

I don't know why I never get anything accomplished. Everything is so black and white to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the label on this post. I'm glad you finally plucked that eyebrow- it was bugging me ;) See you manana!